Badhulgaw Kuthinaw Mudh

Torres Strait Islander Art from Badu Island
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Home / Artists / ALICK TIPOTI / Baywaw Markay & Gub
alick tipoti badu art centre bayway markay gub artwork

Baywaw Markay & Gub


Size: paper 80cm x 60cm, image 59cm x 17cm

Category: Art Prints / Etchings

$440.00 (Incl GST)

BAYWAW MARKAY (Spirits of the whirlwinds)

This etching is my interpretation of the bad spirits of the whirlwinds…

All winds of the earth were created and are controlled by the spirits from the other side, (spiritual world)

The pattern shown in this print represents the cultural beliefs of my people.

The designs flowing across represent all the different winds which that flows through the Torres Strait.

The patterns on the bottom of the prints are the energy of the seas and land causing the whirlwinds to shoot upwards and twist.

The colours I have chosen for these prints are earthly colours of the open sea to the traditional owned islands….


GUB (Wind)

This is my interpretation of the four winds, • North wind (naygay) • East wind (Kuki) • West wind ( Sagerr) • South wind (zei)

These are the four winds of Torres Strait..Naygay, Kuki, Sagerr and Zei. Naygai – sasal gub Sagerr – Siril gub Kuki – Sarupul gub Zei – Gabul gub.