Badhulgaw Kuthinaw Mudh

Torres Strait Islander Art from Badu Island
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Home / Artists / LAURIE NONA / Giethalai (Mud Crab)
Laurie Nona Badu Art Centre giethalai mud crab

Giethalai (Mud Crab)


Size: 77cm X 57cm

Medium: Lino Cut

Category: Art Prints / Etchings

$300.00 (Incl GST)

This image depicts passing of knowledge and refers to many elements of our natural environment and traditional knowledge which is passed down from our kuikumabaigal (elders). References contained in the patterns include:Weather (depicted in the claws)- Wet and dry seasons determine what we islanders fish and hunt - the images of fish are also shown in the claws. - Lightning and rain - depicted through the pattern on the smaller claws to the side of the body.- Wind, both sagerr (light wind from the west) on the left claw, and kuki (strong wind from the east) on the right claw. Sea (top part of the crab body)- The crab eyes are the eyes of our kuikumabaigal that came before us.- The knowledge passed through generations is shown as a funnel to the top of the dhoeri (headdress) worn by kuikumabaigal who continue this tradition.- The vertical lines midway are the horizon, below that is a geigei arr (sunshower). - The dugong is shown at the shoreline as it traverses the deep sea to the shallow feeding grounds. Land (bottom part of the crab body)- The land is shown below the dugongs and is smaller in size as it symbolises that we live on islands surrounded by the much larger sea country. Laurie Nona 2010