I was born in the month of June in the year of 1980, on Thursday Island. My bloodline is connected to the four tribes of ‘Erub’ Darnely Island, through my mother and through my grandfather which he is a full-blooded native born of ‘Erub’ with three tribes are “peiudu’ ‘Samsep’ ‘Meuram’ and ‘Saisarem’ Full bloodline to my ancestors ‘Rebes’
As my fathers tribes is from ‘Mer’ Murray Island, my bloodline is connected to two tribes out of eight tribes of ‘Mer’ through my father, my Grandfather and also through my Grandmother, the two tribes are ’Komet’ and ‘Geuram’ which my bloodline connections from both sides of my mothers and fathers families which makes me a 100% eastern islanders a ‘Merubian’
My work reflects on the teachings of my grandparents, my families, the island lifestyle and my home sweet home the beautiful ‘Torres Straits’
There’s been a lot of stories told to me and my younger siblings from my grandparents and my family, some happy and some sad stories. Stories that would make you smile, laugh, scared, crying and sad but was always good to sit and listen about the lifestyle in the old times. It was so hard comparing to this life today is easy.
My Grandparents are my families are the biggest inspirations in my life and in my artwork.