Aka Dogai
Size: Paper Size: H790mm x W56.50mm, Image Size: H390mm x W290mm
Medium: Lino Print
Category: Original Artwork
$200.00 (Incl GST)
Aka Dogai
Aka Dogai was inspired by looking back at my childhood when we were small children and the community was dark at night because we had no electricity nor light posts. Now nearly the whole community is lit up.
We were told that we must be indoors and to be quiet as soon as it was dark, because the Aka Dogai would come down from the hill and snatch kids which are represented in the lino prints by the skull hanging on her neck.
She was a witch and was described to us by our mothers, grandparents that she had big ears, that she could hear clearly and big sharp long nails that she could snatch the kids. I believe her spirit still roams.