Badhulgaw Kuthinaw Mudh

Torres Strait Islander Art from Badu Island
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Thugaw Bithial

Thugaw Bithial


Size: Paper Size: H1060mm x W778mm, Image SIze: H788mm x 593mm

Medium: Monoprint

$1,520.00 (Incl GST)

The Bithial arrive when the kukai is blowing - the north-east wind. 

Huge schools of Bithial swim to the sheltered side of the island. It’s really hot at this time so they shelter just out of the mouth of the estuary, waiting for the fresh water to wash over them and cool them down -  and for the prawns they like to eat.

Many sea-creatures breed just inside the mouth of the estuary so it’s a great place for predators to hang out for a feed, where the fresh water and the sea water mix.

Like the squid waits for the prawns, this is a great time for us to hunt squid – but we’ve always got to watch out for the crocodiles that want to hunt us!

I’ve watched my uncles carving and painting since I was a young fella. I began by carving wood and then turned to pearl shell before starting on lino. I love working in all mediums and telling the stories of my country.