Badhulgaw Kuthinaw Mudh

Torres Strait Islander Art from Badu Island
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Home / Artists / LAURIE NONA / Azamaw Pawur (Spear Fishing for – Rabbitfish)
Azamaw Pawur (Spear Fishing for – Rabbitfish)

Azamaw Pawur (Spear Fishing for – Rabbitfish)


Size: Paper Size: H405mm x W560mm, Image Size: H220mm x W380mm

Medium: Linocut

Category: Prints

$380.00 (Incl GST)

Azamaw Pawur- (Spear Fishing for Azam – Rabbitfish) is my expression and portrayal of the times growing up and diving with my uncles, older brothers and friends spear fishing around the little islands rocky edges and reefs located off Badu’s coast.

Within this Azam fish image is a diver holding Bayag-Klak; a ‘bamboo one iron spear’ to depict how we fish for this fish food at home in the Torres Strait islands – Zenadh-Kes sea country.

Laurie Nona