Badhulgaw Kuthinaw Mudh

Torres Strait Islander Art from Badu Island
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Home / Artists / LAURIE NONA / Gub & Malu Baiwa
Laurie Nona Badu Art Centre gub & malu baiwa artwork

Gub & Malu Baiwa


Size: paper 80cm x 60cm, image 59cm x 17cm

Category: Art Prints / Etchings

$440.00 (Incl GST)

GUB (Wind)

This is my interpretation of the four winds, • North wind (naygay) • East wind (Kuki) • West wind ( Sagerr) • South wind (zei)

These are the four winds of Torres Strait..Naygay, Kuki, Sagerr and Zei. Naygai – sasal gub Sagerr – Siril gub Kuki – Sarupul gub Zei – Gabul gub.


LAGAW BAIWA (Land spout)

This print of a Land spout – Lagaw Baiwa image is of a masked spirit figure with designs representing wind inter-woven and spinning as one, spreading its arms up to the sky with its leg together to the ground imitating the actions of Lagaw Baiwa connecting the sky above to the land below.

A occurrence in the middle of summer South East trade winds are blowing at this time known as Sagerraw Thonarr. Fish food are plenty at this time of year, islanders know what fish, where and when to go fishing.