Badhulgaw Kuthinaw Mudh

Torres Strait Islander Art from Badu Island
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Home / Artists / TIPOTI NONA / Kurrpi S2
Kurrpi S2

Kurrpi S2


Size: 1080 x 790

Medium: Monoprint

$1,450.00 (Incl GST)

Kurrpi (Black Jew Fish) The Kurrpi, which in English is known as the Black Jew Fish, arrives in Badu Island during the Kukai winds (December) on their journey back from the mainland where they have spawned to Papua New Guinea.

If we are lucky we will find them in huge schools on the reef as they migrate, thick like sardines, and once the word has spread all the fishers come out in their boats looking to catch them.

Tipoti Nona