Badhulgaw Kuthinaw Mudh

Torres Strait Islander Art from Badu Island
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Laurie Nona, Badu, Art Centre, Perth, Mossenson Galleries, Torres Strait, Australia

My Island Home

Artists Of Badu Island

Tuesday, 14th April 2015

Reflecting our strong cultural traditions and our beautiful relationships with our world we carefully express our love and dedication to the ocean, to our island and all of its creatures and animals. 

We show our relationship with the wind, rain, earth, the skies, stars and the sun.


We will be exhibiting our Bronze Casting, Lino Prints, Etchings and Wood Carvings.


Exhibiting  3 March - 2 May, 2015

Venue:  Mossenson Galleries  Perth, WA

Address: 115 Hay St, 

Subiaco. WA 6008

Phone: (08) 9388 2899