Kukiaw Dhangala & Lagau Baiwa
Size: paper 80cm x 60cm, image 59cm x 17cm
Category: Art Prints / Etchings
$440.00 (Incl GST)
Lagaw Baiwa (Land spout)
This print of a Land spout – Lagaw Baiwa image is of a masked spirit figure with designs representing wind inter-woven and spinning as one, spreading its arms up to the sky with its leg together to the ground imitating the actions of Lagaw Baiwa connecting the sky above to the land below.
An occurrence in the middle of summer South East trade winds are blowing at this time known as Sagerraw Thonarr.
Fish food are plenty at this time of year, islanders know what fish, where and when to go fishing.
Kukiaw Dhangala
When the kuki gub (north Westley wind) blows during the monsoon season, because of the strong winds the Apu Kaz along with other Dhangalal (dugongs) all seek settle in the bays around our islands.