Sageraw Thonar – Stories from the Southeasterly Season
Contemporary Expressions of Cultural Knowledge from Badu Art Centre
Thursday, 14th July 2016
Sageraw Thonar – Stories from the Southeasterly Season: Contemporary Expressions of Cultural Knowledge from Badu Art Centresees artists from Badu Art Centre in the Torres Strait examine cultural traditions and knowledge through large-scale linocut prints. Featuring the work of Joseph Au, Aiona Tala Gaidan, Edmund Laza, Laurie Nona, Matilda MalujewelNona, Michael Nona and Alick Tipoti, the works in the exhibition visually respond to the season of Sageraw Thonar in which the southeast winds blow.Animal totems, island flora, and current environmental and cultural issues are discussed in the works that reveal the artists most important stories. These stories present to the world a dynamic depiction of the living culture in existence on Badu Island. The exhibition is on display at KickArts Contemporary Arts Gallery One from the 28th of May to the 30th of July, with the official proceedings and performance on Thursday the 14th of July 2016, 2:30pm.
Image credit: Aiona Tala Gaidan, Sageraw Baydham, 2016, linocut print on paper, 113.5x200.2 cm (image size), edition of 12 Photographer: Jon Linkins
Sageraw Thonar - Stories from the Southeasterly Season:
Contemporary Expressions of Cultural Knowledge from Badu Art Centre
Gallery One 28 May – 30 July 2016
Official Proceedings and Performance 14 July, 2:30pm
KickArts Contemporary Arts
96 Abbott Street, Cairns, QLD, AUSTRALIA 4870
Monday - Saturday 10am - 5pm FREE ADMISSION
For further information please contact: Miriam Carter - Exhibitions and Education Coordinator
Email: curator@kickarts.org.au Ph: 07 4050 9486
This project has been supported through the Australian Government's Indigenous Languages and Arts program and assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body.